(Cet article peut contenir des liens de sites affiliés) Oui ! Des ressources en français, anglais et Italien ! Et tout dans le même paquet ! Voici une occasion à ne pas manquer : des activités et jeux de maths et grammaire en anglais, français ou italien, des dossiers sur la science ou l’histoire-géo… tout ça réuni dans la suite…
Étiquette : Happy times

Discovering Spring and Baby Animals, Outdoors Activities and Printable Games.
What better time than spring to go outside , explore nature and discover new things about insects, eggs and baby animals? My 4 year old girl absolutely LOVES animals, she can spend hours playing with her cuddles , ( she almost never plays with dolls) she invents stories, takes care of them , and la suite…

To Bring Spring into the Math Lessons or the Math Lessons Out in the Spring ?
It’s a beautiful sunny day outside… Kids eyes are starring outside and not so much on their work sheet. You already did your morning routine, you managed to keep kids sitting at the table for their reading and spelling, a bit of grammar maybe . Now it’s time for the math lesson , you feel la suite…

Homeschool Encouragement: Trying too Hard or getting Inspiration from Above ?
Today I write for moms, mostly for moms that homeschool, and especially if you’re in need of a boost of energy and encouragement . So… we are homeschooling moms, this is what we chose to do, it’s our main job. It’s our way of life. Do you feel it even defines you? It’s who you la suite…

What if we had a Celebrating Homeschooling Day?
If you are homeschooling you will probably relate with me when I say that January is a hard month to go through for homeschooling. The fun of the holidays is finished, kids are NOT at all in the mood of doing school ( they just want to play with the new Lego they got for la suite…

Spelling game “The Little Bac”
I don’t know about you , but I have never enough of spelling games… I hunt for some on Pinterest, on some of my friends blogs , I invent all kinds of ideas to make my kids write or spell aloud without them realizing that we are doing some spelling ( including some jumping around la suite…

Maths Games for Place Value and big numbers
Today I’m sharing with you some printable boards games to learn to read , write numbers , and mostly about place value. This activities are adaptable to different levels and will be a great help in introducing or reinforcing a lot of Math concepts, from understanding how numbers work to additions with regrouping and even la suite…

Write your own Christmas Story
Less than a week and it’s Christmas…already! Are you looking for a Christmas literacy and art center for the last few days of school? Or maybe you would simply like a quiet activity for the holidays, in between the visits to the grandparents, the excitement and gifts , the fun in the snow… Here I la suite…

la récolte des olives
Thanksgiving … Halloween , les dindons et les araignées , les potirons et citrouilles , c’est la saison , et sur tous les sites éducatifs, les articles ou les activités tournent autour de ces thèmes en ce moment. Il y a des choses très bien et des activitès interressantes ,je ne critique pas mais bon la suite…

Everyday is Special
Would you like to add a special touch to your days? Like a little sparkle? Something that makes you feel you connect together as a family ? ( or with your class ) Well that’s what I was aiming for when I created this very simple activity : it’s really just little ideas in la suite…