Summer Reading Challenge


It’s summer time ! time for the beach, hikes, picnics , games and  play.

But what about taking some good books along for vacation, to read at the beach or in grandma’s garden. Or what about some trips to the library this summer ?

To encourage  the young readers to practice their reading  and comprehension skills, I made these booklets and coloring sheets.

There is a few options to choose from for the summer reading  challenge:

  • 1)Coloring sheet :

    Each time they finish a book ,the children simply color one picture of a book.

You can print only one page or all, or even add printing the middle page few times . It all depends of the age of the children and of the books you and your kids choose

2) Color and write

Besides coloring a book children also write the  date of  completion, the title of the book and name of author. (To download this one click on the”Challenge level 1″ below.)

3) Challenge level 2:

I gave this file the name of “challenge level 2” but it really all depends of the books you choose and if you want to do a more in depth study of the books or not.

My kids and I  chose to go through a series of biographies and true stories , so I did a booklet where there is the possibility to record more things , like the place and time the story takes place.

So here you have a variety of tools to  encourage your kids to read and hopefully  help to give them a sense of accomplishment.

Happy  summer and happy reading.

you can download your files here :

summer book challenge – just coloring

summer book challenge – level 1

summer book challenge level 2


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