Learn to read with Tisha n°3

Hello to my teaching friends,

This is the third volume of the Tisha Readers that you were waiting for.

Of course, after the practice of  the short A and short E , this reader is all about the short I sound.

We’ll also add a few sight words and review the previous ones.

If you missed the first 2 volumes you can find them here:

Tisha short A

Tisha sort E

A few preparatory games :

My little girl already read this “Tisha and the short I” sound  a while ago , but this morning we decided to  review it and do some games connected with it.

She was happy to pull her “Iguana reading friend” from the cupboard and  “feed him” .

Careful! he only eats toys in which you can hear the  sort I sound!


Toys to sort out and give to the iguana


Igor the Iguana was hungry , this is all what he ate!

My little girl already played this game quite a few times and so I  included some words with long I sound and long E sounds , those can be a bit confusing at first so I suggest that to begin with , the  toys would  only contain sound already learned like sort A, shot E and short I .

You can continue the game  by feeding the iguana toy letters , or Cvc  flash cards.

Flash cards and activity pages

This time again you can print the  flash cards for the sight words , and the letters cards to build CVC words with short I


Sight words

Then she decided to be silly

” I did it”

In addition I made some activity pages that you can download and print. My 4 year old liked them as they are clear and colorful, plus she got to cut and glue and she enjoys that a lot.


Ok that’s all for now…

See you next week for the next adventure with Tisha!

You can download the reader and activities here:

Tisha – Short I – Reader

Tisha activity pack short I



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