Learn to read with Tisha n°2

I know some of you were waiting for the second volume of  the “Tisha readers” series…

sorry for the long delay… I took a long break from computers, blogging etc.… and did lots of fun things with kids while traveling.

For those who missed the first volume  of “ learn to read with Tisha”, here is the presentation of these readers in a few words: They are the very favorite ones of my little girl. I made them  using pretty pictures of her favorite cuddles and toys on which I drew . It’s the story of a of a sweet baby tiger named Tisha, who discovers the world and the words . it is aimed for kids 2 to 5 years old.



 you can find “Tisha and the short a sound”  here:

Learn to Read with Tisha

This book , focusing on the short E sound is the second reader of a series for learning the vowel sounds.

This series is perfect as an introduction and discovery of the vowels .

You can also use it along another reading curriculum to reinforce the practice of CVC words and review of a few simple sight words.
Kids will love to read this story of these cute toy animals  over and over again .
To go along with each book you can find on my blog some free activity pages , ideas for moms ,sight words flash cards and a card game for building the CVC words of the book.
To make the reader, print it on cardstock, pages 1 to20, opting for the booklet option on your printer. Assemble and staple.

 Before getting into reading  you can do a few games  around the E sound, to familiarize your child with the new vowel sound.

Here are some of the activities we did  and  games we played:

  • Sensory letters
  • Paint a huge letter E
  • Sorting sort a and short e words  and feeding Mr. elephant  our short E letters
  • Feeding Mr. elephant short E words .
  • Reviewing some sight words:

( a, I am, Hello…)

 you can download Tisha Reader 2 here :

Tisha Short E Reader

Happy reading!

And stay tuned for the third volume ( the short I sound ) coming  very soon!



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