Homophones Matching Game


Homophones …..

Big word ! and tricky subject . If your kids are like mine , writing and spelling is not  their favorite subject .

But they are always ready for a game !

I found many work sheets on line for homophone practice  , but not so many games , so I created one.

This game can be used as a individual  silent activity , or  as a game for 2 or 3 children.

 Here  is a few options of how to play but it’s not limited to those ideas :

  • Put all  the  pictures  on the table , children take turn to pick up a word and match it with the picture.
  • Words are on the table .Children pick up a sentence , and match it with  a  word , if it is the right one , he wins the corresponding image.
  • You can use all the homophone cards or only half or less at the time at the beginning .


You can download your printable game here :

(by downloading this game you agree to respect my terms of use.

You can see more information if you  click on the condition d’usages / term of use page in the bottom menu)

homophones complete game



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