It’s a beautiful sunny day outside… Kids eyes are starring outside and not so much on their work sheet. You already did your morning routine, you managed to keep kids sitting at the table for their reading and spelling, a bit of grammar maybe .
Now it’s time for the math lesson , you feel bad that you have to keep them home still. “Should I let them go play outside ?” You ask yourself . but you also feel bad “we’re already late in their Math (we did nature studies instead)”
There is no way around it today we should do some math or they will forget all what we learned so far… ( Sigh)
This picture sounds familiar ?
Ok I dramatized a bit , but this is an actual scenario of our homeschool…
Don’t worry it has an happy ending !
Suddenly I felt like in the comics books , you know when there is a picture of a light bulb , and then words popping around :
Games! Sunshine! Ball! Fractions!
Running! Action! Multiplication tables !
Playing tag … Simon says….
Over a few days my list of outside math games ideas expanded and when my friend Amber of “Forging Foundations” asked if I wanted to do a blog post on the topic of “Bringing Spring into the Homeschool” I thought it was a great opportunity to share my list of fun math games with other moms!
So go on and read the happy ending of the story here :
You can also meet all the other guests of the series and read their posts here :