Kids all love play dough, and here is a fun activity that combines fine motor skills, creativity, and Math . Another benefit of this game is that it helps kids to use their sense of imagination trough pretend play . Because the children will not only visualize, but be the actor of the math problem, they will understand and learn with ease.
The first set focuses on additions and subtractions
The children can pick any cards or follow the progressive order from card 1 to 16 especially if they are beginners as the first few cards are easier.
each of the play dough task card sets come with 2 pages of recording sheets that you are free to use or not.
The second set helps kids discover how multiplication works
Most importantly they will see how we can use multiplication it in everyday life.
Set 3 is introducing the children to the concept of division .
Progressively they will understand how to share equally, first with very simple little problems without remainder and then with remainder.
Set Four makes Fractions seam easy
so easy in fact that even a first grader will have fun discovering how they work. Progressively the task cards become a bit more difficult and are a good practice for even fourth graders that usually would struggle with worksheets . the first cards are very simple and clear and takes the kids step by step to understand what fractions mean. Progressively it becomes a bit harder. The cards 13 and 14 that are the most difficult might require the help of the teacher.
for this set I made available not only some recording sheets but also the answer key so the students can check themselves.
These STEM Playdough Task Cards will be fun as a activity to do with the parents or teacher of Kinder garden or first graders , they can also be used as a practice or review from second grade to fourth grade and will be ideal for math centers.
In the free sample you will find four sets of 4 task cards each , recording sheets, and answer keys for the fractions activity.
you will find it at the end of the article
- Additions and subtractions ( 4 cards )
- Simple multiplications ( times table from 2 to 5 ) ( 4 cards )
- Sharing and dividing ( 4 cards )
- Fractions ( 4 cards )
To purchase the different full sets of “ Play Dough Word Problems Task Cards” click on the pictures under
- Additions and subtractions
- Simple multiplications ( times table from 2 to 5 )
- Sharing and dividing
- Fractions
If you want to get them all and save money get the bundle of the 4 sets here :