Felt Flowers Quiet Activity


Spring Flowers,                   

Pretty  flowers,

Soft Flowers,

Rainbow colored flowers,

Fairy Tale Flowers,

Exotic Flowers…




You create them, feel them,  you transform them  and invent some new species…

Hours of fun for little fingers who like to manipulate and have an artistic touch.

As a quiet activity or as a fun bounding time with mommy.


Felt is one  of my favorite material  to use for creating  educative activities for little ones.

I like to manipulate it when I make the game, it’s soft, warm, easy to cut and work with, and doesn’t need  much sawing. The result is beautiful without having to spend hours of work on it.

For kids it’s ideal to stimulate their 5 senses, we have the visual colors and shapes, the texture to feel  and they can manipulate it over and over again developing their fine motor skills.

Spring and the beginning of summer is an ideal time to do nature studies and learn about flowers, this felt flowers art center will nicely be a complementary activity to discover wild and garden flowers.

Today I want to share with you the pattern and picture cards for you to  be able to create easily this  Felt Flower activity. You will find the instructions, and the PDF file to download for free on this guest blog post I did for my friend Amber’s Series  “Bringing spring into your homeschool”  on her blog  ” Forging foundations”


Click on the picture to continue reading and download the PDF of the pattern and Felt Flowers Cards

 And here you will  find all the guest posts for the spring series  and information about all the guests authors :





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4 réflexions au sujet de « Felt Flowers Quiet Activity »

    • Yes exactly how I feel , my little girl feels like that too, she is starting to cut out some pieces herself and build butterflies…

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