Discovering Spring and Baby Animals, Outdoors Activities and Printable Games.


What better time than spring to go outside , explore nature  and discover new  things about insects, eggs and baby animals?

My 4 year old girl  absolutely LOVES animals, she can spend hours  playing with her cuddles , ( she almost never plays with dolls) she invents stories, takes care of them , and loves story books about animals.

After waiting for a long time for it , she had a puppy for her last birthday . She also rescues bees, feeds ants  and makes little houses for snails or spiders… (Good  thing that there is no dangerous spiders in Italy! )

She was thrilled that for her “school time” these past days we  decided to study  animals , more specifically baby animals, animals that lay eggs , animals that feed their babies milk.

I made some games about spring and  animals  ,they are cute and colorful and I was sure it would be a nice surprise for her , but before pulling them out I wanted to take time for hands on activities and exploring outside .

I’m sure your  little kids will love these printable games as much as my girl so I will share them with you for free on  the guest post I did for my fiend Amber of “Forging Foundations”

But Before the printing, cutting, gluing, and playing the games  I invite you for 3 exploring and fun activities to do with your  kids.

See the ideas for the activities and get the printables by continuing to read on my friend  Amber’s   blog : “Forging Foundations” where I had the pleasure to write  a  guest  post for her Series: “Bring  Spring into Your Homeschool”

Don’t be shy  and click here on the picture !


You can also meet all the other guests of the series and read  their posts here :




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